- Tri Track Inductotherm Furnace — 2250 KW, 3 X 1 Ton
- Dual Track Inducto-therm Furnace — 450 KW, 500 Kg
- Dual Track Inducto-therm Furnace — 350 KW, 500 kg
- Inductotherm Furnace — 250 KW, 300 kg
- Inductotherm Furnace — 175 KW, 300 Kg

DISA 030
- Cake Size -535 X 650 X 120 / 340
- 250 Moulds Per Hour in DISA
- Quick Pattern Changer
- Auto Core Setter

ARPA & Other Facility
- Mould Box Size: 600 X 700 X 200
- Mould Box Size: 550 X 550 X 110
- Sand Plant with Sand cooler – 30 Tons/hr
- In-house Shot Blasting and Fettling
- Patterns done by CAD CAM method
- In house facility of Cold Box shooter for Core Making
- Casting Simulation done for New Product Development
- 3d Scanning Facility.

Testing Facilities
- Spectro Meter
- Microscope with Image Analyzer
- Computerized Universal Tensile Testing machine
- Carbon Silicon equivalent meter for each furnace
- Sand Lab
- Brinell & Rockwell Hardness Testing Machines
- Temperature Pyrometer
- Ultrasonic Testing